Advanced professions are professions are those taken up later in life, they can be a senior or advanced versions of more basic professions or something much more unique and esoteric.
These are written to work with the extended character profession and experience system I posted a couple of weeks ago.

Actors can be found only in major cities of most cultures performing either classic or religions plays for the nobility or the faithful, or sometimes more rumbustious comedies and morality plays for the general public in the market squares and taverns.
Homeland: Esrolia, Lunar Tarsh, Urban Satar, Pavis
Requirements: Previous Professions; Student, Noble, Entertainer or Skills; Act 50% and Charm 50%
Occupational Skills: Act, Dance , Charm, Homeland Lore (any) , Read Write language (own), Disguise, Fast Talk, Orate , Insight (human) , Intrigue, Sing , Lore (any) , Speak (any), Worship(deity), Cultural Weapon (pick type)
Standard Of Living: Free
Base Income: 120L
Cults: Donandar, Ernalda, Eurmal, Issaries, Orlanth, Seven Mothers.
Favoured Passions: Love (person), Loyalty (patron)
Ransom: 600L
Equipment: Scripts, A musical instrument, 70 L in coin, 70 L in goods, cultural weapons, costume if appropriate
Alchemists are the makers of potions, poisons and magical brews. Most are linked to the temples of Lhankor Mhy, Chalan Arroy or the Seven Mothers, but in larger cities independent Alchemists can be found but there prices are usually very high.
Homeland: Lunar Trash, Satar, Esrolia, Sun Dome, Pavis
Requirements: Previous Professions: Herbalists, Healer, Student and Skill; Alchemy:50%,
Occupational Skills: Bargain, Alchemy, Homeland Lore(local), First Aid ,Treat Disease, Treat Poison, Manage Household, Devise , Plant Lore, Mineral Lore, Read Write Language (own), Meditate
Standard Of living: Free
Base Income: 160L
Cults: Lhankor Mhy, Seven Mothers. Chalana Arroy
Favoured Passions: Love (wisdom)
Ransom: 1000L
Animal Trainer
Specialists animal trainers can be horse breakers, the trainers of war dogs, wild beasts a or even flying beasts. They are not found in large numbers but can be found anywhere in Glorantha.
Homeland: All
Requirements: Previous Experience: Herder, Hunter or Skills: Animal Lore: 50% or Ride:75%
Occupational Skills: Dodge, Ride, Bargain, Intimidate, Animal Lore, Herd, Manage Household, Peaceful Cut, Track, Cultural Weapon, Fist, Grapple.
Base Income: 80L
Cults: Eritha, Foundchild, Ordayla, Orlanth, Waha, Yelm, Yinkin
Favoured Passions: Love (family), Loyalty (clan), or Loyalty (tribe).
Ransom: 700L
Assassins can be simple hired Killers, but some are fanatics committed to a temple. lord or cause. Dedicated to bringing death to their targets by any means possible , but preferring stealth and deception rather than a direct fight.
Homeland: Esrolia, Satar, Lunar Trash, Old Tarsh, Pavis
Requirements: Previous Professions; Warrior, Soldier, Street Thug, Bodyguard, Prostitute, Courtesan, Alchemist
Occupational Skills: Dodge, Climb, Jump, Disguise, Fast Talk, Intrigue, Insight (Human), Alchemy , Scan, Listen, Hide, Move Quietly, Weapons, Fist, Kick, Grapple
Standard Of Living: Free
Base Income: 200L
Cults: Orlanth, Seven Mothers, Anilla, Black Fang, Lambril
Favoured Passions: Love (family), Loyalty (Gang) Devotion (Cult/Lord)
Ransom: None
Those charged with the protection of important individuals can be found all of Glorantha. Some are for hire but most server the leaders of their tribe, clan, cult or cause
Homeland: All
Requirements: Previous Professions: Warrior, Caravan Guard, Watchman, Chariot Driver and Honour at 70%+
Occupational Skills: Dodge, Ride, Intimidate, Battle, First Aid, Homeland Lore(own), Insight(human), Listen, Scan, Sense Assassin, Primary Weapon, Secondary Weapon, Shield , Fist, Kick, Grapple
Standard Of living: Free
Base Income: 80L
Cults: Babeester Gor, Humakt, Maran Gor, Orlanth Adventurous, Orlanth Thunderous, Storm Bull, Seven Mothers, Yelmalio, Yelm
Favoured Passions: Honor, Loyalty (Lord)
Ransom: 300L
Bounty Hunter
A few brave souls roam the world looking to track down criminals, outlaws, fugitives and ducks. Sometimes for just for money but often to finish a feud or on clan, guild and cult matters.
Homeland: All
Requirements: Previous Professions: Warrior, Bandit, Hunter, Outrider, Soldier, Watchman
Occupational Skills: Dodge, Ride, Intimidate, Battle, First Aid, Custom (any), Homeland Lore(any), Insight(human), Listen, Scan, Search, Primary Weapon, Secondary Weapon, Shield ,Survival, Track, Fist, Kick, Grapple
Standard Of living: Free
Base Income: 70L
Cults: Babeester Gor, Humakt, Maran Gor, Orlanth Adventurous, Orlanth Thunderous, Storm Bull, Seven Mothers, Yelmalio, Yelm
Favoured Passions: Honor, Loyalty(Lord), Loyalty(Temple), Loyalty(Tribe)
Ransom: 300L
A Champion is a ceremonial warrior, who has a high position of prestige within his community. He may be champion of his Clan, Tribe, Lord or Cult. Many Runelords can use this as their ongoing profession.
Homeland: All
Requirements: Previous Professions: Warrior, Body Guard, Watchman and Skills; Main Weapon 90%
Occupational Skills: Dodge, Ride, Intimidate, Intrigue, Orate, Battle, First Aid, Custom (any), Homeland Lore(any), Insight(Human), Primary Weapon, Secondary Weapon, Shield ,
Standard Of living: Noble
Base Income: 200L
Cults: Babeester Gor, Humakt, Orlanth Adventurous, Orlanth Thunderous, Storm Bull, Seven Mothers, Yelmalio, Yelm
Favoured Passions: Honor, Loyalty (Lord), Loyalty(tribe), Loyalty Kingdom
Ransom: 1000L
In the larger cities there are those who make their living persuading people to part with their money for schemes , promises or product which are not worth what they say. Usually both fleet of foot and quick of wit.
Homeland: Lunar Trash, Esrolia, Satar, Pavis
Requirements: Previous Professions: Beggar, Entertainer, Merchant, Peddler, Street Tough,
Occupational Skills: Dodge, Bargain, Charm, Fast Talk, Disguise, Evaluate, Read/Write Language (own) Conceal, Sleight, Insight (Human), Hide, Move Quietly, Cultural Weapon, Fist, Kick, Grapple
Standard Of living: Free
Base Income: 70L
Cults: Eurmal, Orlanth, Lambril,
Favoured Passions: Hate (Authority), Love (family), Loyalty (Gang)
Ransom: 350L or none
There are prostitutes and then there are courtesans. Those of class who can meet a fuller range of needs for those clients with more refined tastes. Many can be found working in temples of Ulreia and other exotic fertility cults, but others offer a less spiritual service
Homeland: Lunar Trash, Esrolia, Satar, Pavis
Requirements: Previous Professions: Prostitute, Entertainer, Actor
Occupational Skills: Dodge, Act, Bargain, Courtesan, Charm, Dance, Intrigue, Orate, Sing, Fast Talk, Game, Homeland Lore(Local), Play Instrument, Sleight, Insight(Human), Listen, Cultural Weapon, Grapple
Standard Of living: Free
Base Income: 150L
Cults: Eurmal, Ernelda, Orlanth, Seven Mothers, Uleria
Favoured Passions: Hate (Authority), Love (Family),
Ransom: 700L
Entertainer – Trickster/Fool
The trickster is many things but really a truth teller, who can say the forbidden and address the elephant in the room. The trickster is also a fool and a buffon who can both make others and himself the butt of the joke without revealing anything.
Tricksters living as entertainers tend to be clowns or storytellers on the road, usually working with a group of other entertainers, or they can be part of the retinue of great lords and ladys where they perform roles both mundane and profound.
Homeland: Any
Requirements: Previous Profession; Any, Beggar, Entertainer, Hermit, Priest, Soothsayer
Occupational Skills: Dodge, Act, Charm, Dance , Homeland Lore (any) , Disguise, Fast Talk, Orate, Insight (human) , Intrigue, Sing , Lore (any) , Speak (any), Play Instrument, Sleight, Cultural Weapon (pick type) +,
Standard Of Living: Poor
Base Income: 60L
Cults: Eurmal, Lodril
Favoured Passions:Love (person), Loyalty (patron), or Loyalty (tribe).
Ransom: 300L or none
Entertainer – Juggler/Knife Thrower/Acrobat
Physical entertainers can be found all over Glorantha usually travelling and working in troops. They are more common in large cities where the population is of a size to support them
Homeland: Old Tarsh, Lunar Tarsh, Satar, Esrolia, Pavis
Requirements: Previous Profession: Entertainer
Occupational Skills: Climb, Dodge, Jump, Act, Dance, Homeland Lore (any), Charm, Insight (human) , Sing , Speak (any), Thrown Weapon, Cultural Weapon (pick type) , Play (instrument), Listen, Sleight
Standard Of living: Free
Base Income: 80L
Cults: Eurmal, Donadar, Orlanth
Favoured Passions: Love (person), Loyalty (patron), or Loyalty (troop).
Ransom: 400L
Those who fight for the entertainment of others most are slaves, but some brave and fools hardly souls risk death for the Glory. Only to be found in larger cities.
Homeland: Lunar Tarsh, Esrolia
Requirements: Previous Professions: Slave, Soldier, Warrior
Occupational Skills: Dodge, Jump, Intimidate, Battle, Primary Weapon, Secondary Weapon, Tertiary Weapon, Shield
Standard Of living: Slave or Free
Base Income: Nothing or 150L
Cults: Babeester Gor, Humakt, Orlanth Adventurous, Orlanth Thunderous, Storm Bull, Seven Mothers, Shargash, Waha
Favoured Passions: Honor
Ransom: Nothing or 800L
Beyond the role of the messenger the Herald represents there patron in all matters and can negotiate, provide advice and implement policy of behalf of their patron.
Homeland: Satar, Lunar Tarsh, Old Tarsh, Esrolia, Pavis, Sun Dome
Requirements: Previous Professions: Messenger, Noble
Occupational Skills: Ride, Dodge, Charm, Orate, Fast Talk, Intrigue, Bureaucracy , Customs(any), Homeland Lore(any), Survival, Conceal, Insight(human), Scan, Cultural Weapons, Fist, Kick
Standard Of living: Noble
Base Income: 140L
Cults: Issaries, Seven Mothers, Ernalda, Orlanth, Argan Agar, Yelm, Yelmalio, Mastakos
Favoured Passions: Honour, Loyalty (Lord), Loyalty (People)
Ransom: 800L
Lawyers are ever the present scourge of civilisation and the unintended consequence of having laws. In more civilised cultures lawyers are an structured profession, in Satar and old tarsh lore keepers and advocates are a more informal affair.
Homeland: Satar, Lunar Tarsh, Old Tarsh, Esrolia, Pavis
Requirements: Previous Profession: Scribe, Student, Bureaucrat and Skills; Orate 50%, Homeland Lore 50%
Occupational Skills: Bargain, Intrigue, Orate, Speak Language Own, Speak Language Other, Bureaucracy, Homeland Lore, Library Use, Insight (Human), Read Write Language(own), Read Write Language(other), Search
Standard Of living: Free – Noble
Base Income: 150L
Cults: Lhankor Myh, Seven Mothers
Favoured Passions:
Ransom: 800L
Military Officer
Those who lead soldiers have a wider range of skills and requirements than mere soldiers. Also unfortunately not every leader of warriors has ever been a warrior themselves.
The less structured a society and military unit the more likely it is the officers will be former warriors, in more structured situations the officers could be a former nobles, politicians or bureaucrats.
Homeland: Satar, Lunar Tarsh, Old Tarsh, Esrolia, Pavis, Sun Dome
Requirements: Previous Professions: Soldier/Mercenary, Noble, Politician, Bureaucrat
Occupational Skills: Ride, Intimidate, Homeland Lore (any), Orate , Intrigue, Read/Write Language (own), Battle, First Aid, Scan, All Unit Weapons (Including shield) , Other Weapon, Fist, Kick, Grapple
Standard Of living: Free
Base Income: 120L
Cults: Babeester Gor, Humakt, Orlanth Adventurous, Orlanth Thunderous, Seven Mothers, Yelmalio, Yelm
Favoured Passions: Honor, Loyalty (Leader) or Loyalty (unit).
Ransom: 700L
Master Craftsmen
As you become better at you craft the less the requirement to perform it as, apprentices and journeymen do more of the actual work. The master run the guilds, their business and train their staff.
People working as master craftsmen are usually found more in the larger urban areas, most rural situations do not allow for the size of operation required whatever the skills level of the craftsman in question.
Homeland: All (except Prax)
Requirements: Craftsman, Primary Craft 90%
Occupational Skills: Art , Bargain, Intrigue, Bureaucracy , Evaluate, Read/Write Language (One), Craft (primary) , Insight (Human) , Craft (secondary) , Craft (tertiary) , Lore (any), Devise , Manage Household , Cultural Weapon (pick type)
Standard Of living: Free
Base Income: 120 -240L (dependent on craft )
Cults: Ernalda, Issaries, Gustbran
Favoured Passions: Love (family), Loyalty (guild), or Loyalty (patron).
Ransom: 700L
The leaders of society. Some are born to it, some are chosen by the Gods and others claw there was into positions of power by the own sheer will. The art of wielding power effectively and holding onto it is one that few people truly possess.
Homeland: Satar, Lunar Tarsh, Old Tarsh, Esrolia, Pavis
Requirements: Previous Profession: Bureaucrat, Military Officer, Priest, Rebel
Occupational Skills: Charm, Intrigue, Orate, Speak Language (Own), Speak Language( Own), Bureaucracy, Customs(own), Homeland Lore(own), Insight (Human), Read Write Language(own), Read Write Language(other), Cultural Weapon
Standard Of living: Noble
Base Income: 150L
Cults: Seven Mothers, Orlanth, Ernelda, Yelm, Yelmalio
Favoured Passions: Love (self), Honour, Love (community), Loyalty (Community)
Ransom: 800L
Philosophers can be found in urban centers throughout Dragon Pass, seeking to understand the cosmos through abstract reasoning. Many wander from city to city, supporting themselves through teaching. Philosophers learn sorcery.
Homeland: Satar, Lunar Tarsh, Old Tarsh, Esrolia, Pavis
Requirements: Previous Profession: Scribe, Priest, Trickster
Occupational Skills: Alchemy, Read/Write(own), (Sorcery spell) Orate, Lore (any), Library Use, Lore (any), Meditate
Standard Of living: Free
Base Income: 60L
Cults: Lhankor Mhy, Seven Mothers, Aeolianism (see page 389), Invisible God.
Favoured Passions: Love (Wisdom)
Ransom: 250L
There are a small number of people who live by fist fighting for others entertainment or Gambling. they can be found travelling from market to market and celebration to celebration.
Sometimes fighting other prizefighters or letting local all comers take on the professionals, usually fighters are legitimate, but sometimes they can be staged.
Homeland: Satar, Lunar Tarsh, Old Tarsh, Esrolia, Pavis
Requirements: Previous Profession: Street Thug, Warrior, Soldier or Fist, Kick, Grapple 60%
Occupational Skills: Act, Dodge, Jump, Game, Intimidate, First Aid, Insight (human), Fist, Kick, Grapple, Cultural Weapon
Standard Of living: Poor
Base Income: 60L
Cults: Babeester Gor, Orlanth, Stormbull, Seven Mothers, Eurmal,
Favoured Passions:
Ransom: 250L
The larger cities have a type of thief that specialising purloining the valuables of an individuals person without the said individual ever noticing. Often working in groups and gangs so able to pass ill gotten gains of quickly to avoid capture.
In Glorantha this profession is not without risks and few stay in it long.
Homeland: Sartar, Lunar Tarsh, Old Tarsh, Esrolia, Pavis
Requirements: Previous Professions: Bandit, Beggar, Street Thug
Occupational Skills: Dodge, Disguise, Fast Talk, Evaluate, Read/Write Language (own) Conceal, Sleight, Insight (Human), Scan, Hide, Move Quietly, Dagger, Cultural Weapon, Fist, Kick, Grapple
Standard Of living: Poor
Base Income: 60L
Cults: Orlanth, Seven Mothers, Lambril
Favoured Passions: Hate (authority), Love(family), Loyalty (gang)
Ransom: 250L or none
A priest is a specialist in using Rune magic for the benefit of the cult members. They are representatives of their deity and their cult forms the focus of their life. Some priests (popularly called Rune Priests) are fully supported by the resources of their temple (which often is treated as their own property). Other priests are “part-time” and their activities only partially supported by the resources of the temple. These priests are popularly called “God-talkers,” and often support themselves, at least in part, through a second occupation.
Homelands: All
Occupational Skills: Any cult skill , Lore (Cult), Charm, Dance, Intrigue, Bureaucracy, Read/Write (own) , Orate , Manage Household, Sing, Speak Own Language , Worship (deity), Insights (human), Meditate
Standard of Living: Noble
Base Income: Variable (depends on temple’s resources but most priests have at least five hides of land)
Cults: All (except Daka Fal, Eurmal, and Waha)
Favoured Passions: Devotion (deity) or Loyalty (temple)
Ransom: 1000 L.
There are those people who forsake the comforts of civilisation in search of silver, gold, gems , crystals and other treasure which can be found buried in the earth.
They usually hail from civilised lands but can be found anywhere in Glorantha, eeking out a living on the edges of society certain that they will strike it lucky sometime soon.
Homeland: Any
Requirements: Previous Experience Miner
Occupational Skills: Climb, Dodge, Jump, Evaluate, Mineral Lore, Sing, Intimidate, Devise, Craft, Search, Cultural Weapon, Fist, Kick, Grapple
Standard Of living: Poor
Base Income: 60L, Special success 3 times base, Critical 10 times Base.
Cults: Asrelia, Ernalda, Orlanth, Yelmalio
Favoured Passions: Love (family), Loyalty (clan), Love(Gold) or Loyalty (tribe)
Ransom: 300L
There are times when disapproval and passive resistant to oppression are not enough. The brave few will leave there jobs and communities and give themselves fully for fighting in the cause that they believe in.
Homeland: Any
Requirements: Commitment to the cause
Occupational Skills: Dodge, Orate, Intrigue, Disguise, Battle, Customs (own) , Homeland Lore( own), Survival, Listen, Scan, Hide, Move Quietly, Cultural Weapons, Fist, Kick, Grapple
Standard Of living: Poor
Base Income: 60L
Cults: Any
Favoured Passions: Hate (oppressor), Love (Lord) Loyalty(cause)
Ransom: 350L
There are informants that gather information to sell and send it on in course of their daily lives, but there are those that make it their life’s work to travel and infiltrate to find information for their lord, cult, people, cause or maybe just the highest seller.
Homeland: Sartar, Lunar Tarsh, Old Tarsh, Esrolia, Pavis
Requirements: Previous professions: Bandit, Bureaucrat , Pickpocket, Beggar, Entertainer, Merchant, Caravan Guard, Messenger, Outrider, Prostitute, Personal Servant, Assassin, Body Guard, Bounty Hunter, Conman, Courtesan, Trickster/Fool, Herald
Occupational Skills: Dodge, Orate, Intrigue, Disguise, Battle, Customs (own) , Homeland Lore( own), Survival, Listen, Scan, Search, Hide, Move Quietly, Cultural Weapons, Fist, Kick, Grapple
Standard Of living: Poor
Base Income: 60L
Cults: Any
Favoured Passions: Hate (oppressor), Love (Lord) Loyalty(cause)
Ransom: 350L
Once a character become a shaman as of the RQ rules , she stops using the assistant shaman profession and uses this one instead.
Homeland: All
Requirements: As shaman in RQG pgXX
Occupational Skills: Intrigue, Speak Spiritspeech , Sing , Alchemy, Animal Lore , Customs(own), First Aid Lore, Homeland Lore (own), Plant Lore, Prepare Corpse, Spirit Dance, Spirit Lore , Spirit Combat , Spirit Travel, Meditate
Standard Of living: Free
Base Income: 100L
Cults: Daka Fal, Waha, Yelm (Grazelands).
Favoured Passions: Loyalty (tribe), Love (Clan)
Ransom: 750L
Wherever there are taxes and water there are smugglers.
Homeland: Esrolia, Pavis, Sun Country, Satar, Tarsh
Requirements: Sailor, Boatman, Street Thug, Docker
Occupational Skills: Boat , Celestial Lore, Dodge, Bargain, Disguise, Fast Talk, Intimidate, Climb, Swim, River Lore, Sea Lore, Scan, Shiphandling, Devise, , Conceal, Hide, Move Quietly, Cultural Weapon , Fist, Kick, Grapple
Standard Of living: Poor
Base Income: 80L
Cults: Engizi, Orlanth, Lambril, Eurmal
Favoured Passions: Hate (Authority) and Love (Family)
Ransom: 250L
Ships Officer
Captains and ships navigators require skills and knowledge far in excess of any sailor. They are the final authority when at sea, and are responsible for the lives and safety of there crew.
Homeland: Esrolia, Pavis(Corflu)
Requirements: Sailor, Boatman, Street Thug, Docker
Occupational Skills: Boat , Celestial Lore, Bargain, Intimidate, Climb, Swim, River Lore, Sea Lore, Insight (human), Scan, Shiphandling , Cultural Weapon , Fist, Kick, Grapple
Standard Of living: Free
Base Income: 140L
Cults: Engizi, Orlanth
Favoured Passions: Hate (Authority) and Love (Family)
Ransom: 750L
Though members of every culture steal, only civilised lands have enough people to support internal predators.
Homelands: Esrolia, Lunar Tarsh, Sartar, Pavis
Occupational Skills: Climb, Dodge, Devise, Disguise, Sleight, Fast Talk, Search, Hide , Lore (local), Move Quietly , Cultural Weapon (pick type), Fist, Kick, Grapple
Standard of Living: Poor.
Base Income: 30 L.
Cults: Eurmal, Orlanth, Lambril.
Favoured Passions: Love (family) or Loyalty (gang).
Ransom: 250 L or none.
The extraction of information is a difficult business., some could even call it an art. A select and small group of people are well versed in the arts of information extraction some but brutal and others by more refined, but none pleasant.
Homelands: Esrolia, Lunar Tarsh, Pavis
Occupational Skills: Intimidate, Intrigue, First Aid, Craft(Torture), Devise, Insight (Human), Cultural Weapons, Fist, Kick, Grapple
Standard of Living: Free
Base Income: 60 L.
Cults: Babesster Gor, Stormbull, Seven Mothers, Zorac Zoran
Favoured Passions: Hate(people), Loyalty (Lord)
Ransom: 300 L
lovely article !!! keep it coming !
Still no sorcerers….