I am looking to write a timeline for Balazar 1617 to 1625. This is a first draft of the Elkoi. ( There will be more drafts). I’m just putting it out there in an embryonic form for thoughts, comments, inspiration and sheer kicks.
More linked Balazar timelines will come. If I get good feedback and I can work out how to pull my material into a sensible cohesive whole without infringing on Chaosium’s IP, I will pull something significant together for the Johnstown compendium.
Just a note this Citadel has by far the most turbulent timeline, the rest of Balazar will have seen nowhere near as much change and trouble. This is a first draft, additions and revisions will be made.
The aim is to create a citadel which is lawless, cutthroat and den of thieves of villainy, giving it a significantly different feel from the other two.
- Balazar as presented in the Griffin Mountain book
- Lunar citizen murdered in Trilus, tension rise between the two citadels
- Lunar patrols sent deep into hunt the murders, one never returned
- Crimson Bat passes over Elkoi, Engenders panic amongst the populace.
- Raids on Lunar Convoys from Soldier Ferry, Elmwood Clans aided by Orlanthi warriors. Food and supplies scarce in Elkoi for 2 seasons.
- 3 Elmswood clans break away from Elkoi and pay allegiance to Trilus instead
- Balazaring based Orlanthi raiders attack Tarshford, attack repulsed. Prisoners taken, but later to escape, believed to have headed South.
- Murder of Lunar Electora Kindtounge, Marusa the Shrew accused and goes into hiding.
- Yelmalio Priesthood moves the main Yelmalio temple to Dykene.
- Blueface’s death is reported amongst the clans.
- A former apprentice of Blueface, Namara starts to gain Popularity in the Clans
- Great winter reaches southern Balazar, Many southern clans migrate north away from traditional hunting grounds, significant inter clan fighting, King Glyptus uninterested and ineffective in dealing with issues arising or brokering a peace
- Elkoi citadel warriors raid southern Trilus clans as part of the Imther Trilus war, slaves taken and sold to the Lunar Empire.
- Elkoi and Trilus citadel warriors clash at the Battle of Burning tree, both retreat to there citadels after.
- Tusk riders under Raddek Bloodtooth raid north into southern Balazar deepening the problems, Citadel warriors remain in Elkoi.
- Namara starts to preach that the Great Winter and tusk rider raids are punishment from the spirits for leaving the old ways and worshipping foreign Gods.
- Halycon leaves in Storm season
- Great winter, Clans continue to Migrate North.
- Royal family leave Elkoi, Glyptus the Good poisoned by his own family on route to Empire. No one really cares. Body left by roadside.
- Lunar army and settlers Caravan back to Holay starving , much suffering on route.
- Blueface reappears, reportedly in eastern Balazar
- Many inhabitants of Elkoi starve, becomes a mostly deserted ruin.
- Namara gathers her supporters into a war party to that drives to tusk riders from the south woods, Tusk Riders were defeated at battle of pure hearth, which was 3 day running skirmish through the woods, with the Balazarings aided significantly by nature spirits.
- Elkoi Civil war factions major factions are Lunar Loyalsts, Northern Clans, Elmwood Clans, Migrating clans
- Marusa comes out of hiding, dwells in the ruins of Elkoi
- Ravella the Greedy, Glyptus steward is killed as Elkoi citadel is burned as Elmwood clans raid Elkoi, defeating the loyalist faction.
- Craggect Bloodspear leads the Nothern clans to drive the Elmswood clans out of citadel and back their traditional lands.
- The shaman Namara leads many of the southern balazaring clans in rejecting the kings, the citadels, metalwork and foreign Gods. Declaring themselves Votanki not Balazarings
- Desecration Of Lunar Temple at Elkoi by raiding Orlanthi
- Elkoi temple becomes coven to Jakeel the witch ran by Marusa
- Ongoing skirmishes between northern Elkoi clans and Elmswood clans. Elmswood clans have support from Trilus Orlanthi.
- Marusa allies with Cragget Bloodspear and the Nothern Elkoi tribes
- Namara closes the Southwood to all but her followers, declaring the worshipping of foreign Gods(including Yelmalio and Balazar), use of metal , farming, animal husbandry and sleeping in permanent building Taboo in Balazar
- Battle of Shamans, Namara casts Blueface down and spiritually binds him.
- Craggect Bloodspear leads war party intro Elmswood to raid the
- Cryriel returns to Elkoi with about 50 Lunar mercenaries to declare himself King of Elkoi.
- Craggect Bloodspear returns to Elkoi repulse Cryriel, Marusa offers him a secret way into Elkoi, but leads him into an ambush. Craggect Bloodspear and all his warriors slaughtered. Nothern Elkoi clans are leaderless.
- Cyriel marries Marusa and declares her Queen of Elkoi and his joint ruler.
- Accompanying priests reopen the Lunar temple as full temple to the Seven mothers, the coven of Jakeel moves to the Royal Palace.
- Slavers appear from heartlands looking to turn a tidy profit
- Namara declares holy war against Cryiels Lunars.
Citadel of Elkoi in 1625
- The citadel of Elkoi is a shell of what it once was, most buildings burned and few repaired. The stonework stands but is scorched in many places.
- Run by Lunar merchants, mercenaries and freebooters – A hive of scum and villainy
- Cyriel is bringing in tradesmen to repair, and is setting about ‘running the citadel properly’
- A lawless place, with no law beyond the word of the king and queen
- Cyriels Lunars are complemented with refugees from the conflicts
- Thematically Elkoi in 1625 has the feel which is not very far removed from Deadwood.
Tribe of Elkoi in 1625
- Vastly reduced and fragmented
- Southwood tribes have renounced the clan and are following Namara
- Elmwood tribes have broke away and formed their own group and are talking with Trilus
- The clans that migrated from the south and the Northern clans have found an uneasy truce and are to exhausted to do anything but attach to whoever owns the citadel.
I love it! I can definitely see scope to pull out a handful of decisive background events for character generation here, too!
I’m another fan! Hoping to see this format continue for Dykene.