Ok i’ve done a few articles reviewing using 28mm historic plastic miniatures for RQ, i’m going to pull many of the findings from those together to make a hopefully cohesive description of what sprues buy to enable you to build a decent set of RQ figures.
There are many figures here that I’ve tried and have ruled out as low quality, problematic (RGB), to samey (dark age archers) or too late in period ( vikings, late romans, saxons)
What do we get?
The aim is to create a collection of sprues that allow us to create a usable set of miniatures for RPG purposes. We are not looking for large units of similar figures, but to create a good range of individual and unique figures. We should have the diversity to reflect a range of Gloranthan cultures, styles, and character types.
We will suggest core sprues and additional sprues to add variation and range of pieces available. The more of the optional sprues you buy, the more variations you will be able to build out.
Plastic female figures are rare and will be under-represented. I would suggest supplementing this list from other metal sources for your female minis.
What period?
We will not get a true bronze age but antiquity. Using figures from Greek and Persian through the Roman period to unarmoured figures from the early Dark Age, give us lots of usable options, which does not break that Gloranthan feel. If you are a ‘Glorantha is true bronze age’ purest you may be disappointed by the options put forward.
What about Armour?

It’s clear from a few years using historics that your average Gloranthan warrior is better armoured, than your average army members from antiquity. We make choices to reflect this, but for groups of NPC’s lower levels of armour on figures may be required.
I’m also avoiding kits with large amounts of chainmail and looking for other options. Such as scale, linothorax and leather.
Distinguishing Cultures

As many of the armour and tech choices will be similar between cultures creating figures which emphasise cultural distinction, in weapons, shield and head choices will be key. Covering some of the key Gloranthan cultures below.
- Orlanthi: Target & Celtic shields, sword, axe, spear and bow as weapons. Long hair/Plaited, Bald heads or Celtic, Greek and Iberian helmets. Beards and Shaven.
- Lunar: Hoplite & Crescent Shields, Kopis, Spear & Javelins.Short hair, Greek Carthaginian and Ionian helmets. Often clean Shaven
- Solar: Hoplite shields, Longspear, Spear, Javelin and Bow. Greek helmets and short hair, Lots of beards. Dacian heads work well here.
- Grazelander: Target & Smaller shields, Bow, Spear, Lance. Persian and Samaritans heads
- Praxian: Varies massively from tribe to tribe, but keep it rustic, use shaved heads and avoid hoplite shields
- Balazrings Hunters: No shields, No or leather armour, Bare chested, spears, javelins & bows. No helms. Use hounds from Wargames Atlantic Irish.
- Balazaring Citadel Guard: Mixed Armour, target shields, long spears and swords. A real mix and match.
- Pavic – Heavy armour, Hoplite or Target shields, axe and spear, short hair and Greek helmets. Maybe some Roman influence see below.
- EWF: I would consider the use of Roman Items as a specific design set to show EWF period apart, thus zombies and skeletons with kit with roman designs for that period would not be amiss. Also Roman kit may represent EWF artefacts
The following recommendations have been made considering appropriateness, flexibility,. quality, price. and availability. There is little difference between core sprues, but additional sprues have been ordered in my preference.
Armoured Warriors:
These are the bases for any armoured warriors from any culture, and with good use of additional parts can be converted to fit the required culture.
Core Sprues
- Victrix – Greek Hoplites – Combat Poses
- Victrix – Athenian Armoured Hoplites – Standing Poses
- Wargames Atlantic – Persians
Additional Sprues
- Victrix – Dacian Command Sprue
- Victrix – Armoured Persian Archers
- Warlord – Greek Hoplite Sprue*
- Victrix – Romans attacking
- Fire Forge – Byzantine Auxiliaries
‘Barbaric’ Unarmoured Warriors

As well as giving the base for many unarmoured warriors these give the parts for many armoured Orlanthi, Praxian and Balazaring Models. Some of the bodies for these can also be combined with head and shields options to create more civilised options.
Core Sprues
- Victrix – Gallic Warriors
- Victrix – German Warriors
- Victrix – Dacians Unarmoured Sprue
- Wargames Atlantic – Irish Warrior
- Wargames Atlantic – Goth Warriors
- Gripping Beast – Dark Age Warriors
Additional Sprues
- Victirx – Rus Unarmoured
- Gripping Beast – Irish Warriors
- Gripping Beast – Welsh Warriors
- Victrix – Gallic Naked Fanatic
- Warlord – Woodland Indians Sprue*
- Warlord – Celts*
‘Civilized’ Unarmoured Warriors & Civilians

Few civilised warriors would be truly unarmoured in Glorathan, but these can be used to represent lighter troops, militia, civilians, urban rowdies, streetgangs, traders, labourers and male civilians.
Core Sprues
- Wargames Atlantic – Gangs of Rome
- Victrix – Greek Peltasts
Additional Sprues
- Victrix – Warriors of Carthage
- Victrix – Late Romans Unarmoured
- Victrix – Persian Unarmoured Spearmen
- Gripping Beast – Late Roman Infantry
- Victrix – Unarmoured Hoplites
- Victirx – Iberean warriors
Male Priests & Scholars
Heavily clothed and a little late in period, but the best plastic options we have available for sage and priest figures, but thoughtful paint jobs can make these work.
- Frostgrave Wizards 1*

These can mix and match quite well to create significant numbers of options. Again like the other Frostgrave miniatures thoughtful selection and paint jobs are required to make them work.
- Frostgrave Wizards 2*
- Frostgrave Barbarians 2*
- Frostgrave Soldiers 2*
*Denotes does not kitbash well with standard ranges( Victirx, Gripping Beast, Wargames Atlantic)
I will come back to and update this article from time to time. So suggestions are appreciated