Glorantha is not primarily a horror setting as such, but many of chaotic and some none chaotic elements of it would fit into a horror game with ease. However my intention in this article is not to address traditional horror but rather the slightly different theme of personal horror.
The difference between the two is in classic horror the pc’s are protagonists and the horror comes from an external threat to them and the world.
In personal horror the element of horror comers from what the players character could become and the wrestling of the monster within, or even more horrifically being blind to it and failing to see the evil which you become.
A number of facets of personal horror games are;
- Personal horror has a protagonist that stands on an edge between hero & monster
- The game is used not to escape from but to take a critical look at ourselves and those around us
- We use this as an opportunity to explore the darker side of our nature and that of those around us
- A characters struggle to retain humanity, morality or higher self despite internal and external pressures
There can be many facets to this. In white wolfs World of darkness games the themes of desire, violence, vengeance, power and control are all examined. Differently in each game, but if played well the games can give us an often frightening insight into aspects of us that we may not wish to even acknowledge in the real world. ( Played badly they too often often ended up being super heros with fangs )