Chalana Arroy Healers of Trilus

Dushi has four disciples working with her at the lightbringer hall in Trilus, they all live at the hall and have been or are full time apprentices. Cela and Wiliska have now finished their apprenticeship period. But Yanka and Inari are still  apprentices.

The lightbringers hall currently heals all comers, it takes limited payment in food, animals furs and local trade goods, this is supplemented with a grant from King Yalaring and various other donations. The use of powerful rune Magics may require extra  payment and negotiation .

All the healers are well known to the local tribes and have the requisite protection afforded to them by order of King Yalaring.


Cela Calming Heart –  Balazaring Chalana Arroy Initiate, 23
Runes: Earth, Life, Harmony
Threat Level **
Traits: Calm, Patient, Diligent, Curious     

Cela is a physically delicate but emotionally strong young woman, she has been training and working with Dushi Sone for six years now.

Cela is due to undergo the rites which will make her an acolyte of Chalana Arroy at the next opportunity. She has been Dushi’s best student to date, and Dushi hopes she will be able to take her work over after she passes on.   

She is from the Blood Viper clan and has a long standing and delicate association with Garnst the Chaos Tracker. They are the closest each other has to family and she is one of the very few who know his full story. She is able to reach inside and touch his soul like no one else can. This connection has remained neither one thing nor another for as number of years now and is starting to concern her.

Cela gets on very well with two apprentices but Wiliska believes she should be Dushis right hand woman, so there is some friction between the two of them          

Wiliska Pineneedle – Balazaring Chalana Arroy Initiate, 24
Runes: Fire, Life, Harmony
Threat Level **
Traits: Honest, Pleasant, Passive, Dull

Wiliska has been with Dushi longer than any of the other current initiates feels she should be Dushis right hand woman, is jealous of Cela.  She is the younger daughter of a citadel guard.

She is faithful but does not take the initiative in things. Dushy sees here as a faithful servant to the temple and someone who will be important for years to come but not a potential leader or replacement.

She is a great cook and enjoys doing most of the cooking in the Lightbringers hall,  she is very keen on good  diet and believes most grains and breads are bad for the body. Thus she cooks mainly with meats and vegetables and fruits.

She also organises the practical issues of cleaning and repairs around the Lightbringers hall. The truth is the place would not function without her, but she lacks the spark of character to catch Dushis eye.

Yanka Redberry – Balazaring Chalana Arroy Apprentice 19
Runes: Earth, Life, Harmony
Threat Level *
Traits: Impulsive, friendly, humorous, selfish

Yanka is a young friendly redhead, with slight frame and pleasant manner. She is the daughter of a pig farmer, grew up in Trilus.

She is a social climber and party girl, who enjoys a drink at the stuck pig. She is friendly with a number of the Kings citadel guards and enjoys the male attention.

Dushi is disappointed with the attitude she shows to her family who she virtually ignores as she feels she is now above them. Both Dushi and Cela are trying to reign her behaviour in a little both in terms of her family and the her friendships with the guards..

However she is a very effective healer  and powerful magician with a strong natural tie to the life rune, Dushi has high hopes for her.

Inari Wrinkled Nose – Balazaring Chalana Arroy Apprentice 17
Runes: Fire, Life, Truth
Threat Level *
Traits: Introvert, stubborn, brilliant, clever

A quiet girl diligent in her studies who has learned to read some of Dushi’s books, and is gaining a wider range of knowledge because of it.

She has developed a friendships with both Quintas and Eleanor, and visits Quintas house often. She borrows books and talks in depth  philosophically with Quintas and as such is on the process of becoming illuminated without being aware.

Due to the close friendship with Eleanor, Eleanor has shared large parts of  her back-story and Inari hasn’ t told too many of the other healers yet.

Plot uses:

These are really colour characters but may be used to create ways in to plots with Quintas, Elenaor or Garnst or to introduce smaller character sub plots and complications. Such as

  • Two citadel warriors start a vicious fight over Yanka which she had encouraged, PC’s have to calm it down and then decide who inform about it.
  • Wiliska walks out on the cult in a sulk and players are sent to persuade her to return.
  • Yanka publicly embarrasses her father in the stuck pig tavern with, players witnessing and can respond how they wish.
  • PC’s asked to escort junior healer to her clan, all kinds of stuff could happen on route.
  • Drunk Citadel Warrior hits on Inari in the stuck pig, he refuses to get that she is not interested , a scuffle then  breaks out when Quintas intervenes and is knocked to the floor.
  • Cela develops a friendship with a PC, who will then have to deal with a slightly unhinged Garnst as a consequence.

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