The following group has really been written as a test of the character creation system, for NPC’s and as pre gens for a game I may run in the future. However if a ref has a need of a detailed and interesting lunar patrol for interaction, or recurring NPC’s these guys may make an interesting group.
The core of the group area half crescent(different terms for file) from a mercenary company of Peltasts called the Sons of the Moon, who usually recruit and operate in Vaunch and Holay and are often hired by the provincial army. They are currently being rotated through Balazar on garrison duty.
These mercenary’s are lunar worshippers and are loyal to the Empire, they are also a cohesive unit and have been working together for some years, like most units they are prone to resent outsiders.
Attached to these are a young regular provincial army lunar officers who is leading the patrol, and a local guide.
Racius Agga Tarnis – Aged 20, Lunar Officer Initiate of Yanafal Tarnis
Racius is a younger son of minor noble household from the Raibaith in the heartlands. He signed up to the provincial army as he wants to see combat is keen to make a name himself. Though well connected Racius is keen to make his mark on his own merits. As such wishes he was posted further south where the action is, and is somewhat frustrated with his current assignment.
However he is a very young and junior lunar officer leading a patrol of experienced mercenaries, and feels his lack of experience acutely. He feels somewhat out of his depth with the men, he also has little loyalty to them as he sees them as beneath him.
He is somewhat idealistic and sees that the ‘Sons of the Moon’ are much more practical and grounded . As such he does not know if he can trust his men or his file leader yet. However he has know and worked with a Varanthi number of times before and trusts him.
Racius has used family connections to do a couple of favours for Eryptus so is in the good graces of the garrison commander.
Personal traits: haughty, ambitious, energetic, optimist
Nature: Praise seeker
Demeanour: Traditionalist
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3
Mental : Intelligence 3, Wits 2, Perception 3
Social: Manipulation 2, Appearance 3, Charisma 3
Talents: Alertness 3, Artistic 2, Athletics 3, Brawl 2, Dodge 3, Empathy 2, Expression 1, Intimidation 2, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 1
Skills: Archery 2, Etiquette 2,Leadership 3, Melee 3, Riding 3, Stealth 1, Survival 1
Knowledge’s: Academics 2, Culture 2, Investigation 1, Languages 2, Medicine 2, Myth 2, Politics 2, Divine Lore 2
Essence: 3
Quintessence: 10
Willpower: 4
Runes: Moon 3, Truth 3, Death 2
Spirit Magic: Farsee, Befuddle, Glamour, Shimmer, Bladesharp 2, Speedart 2
Rune Magic: Yanafal Tarnis – 7pt pact;
Virtues: Conviction 4, Loyalty 4, Conciliation 3
Backgrounds: Status *** Resources *** Influence **, Cult status ***, Ransom ***, Mount **
Flaws & Merits: Favour 2pt- from Eryptus, Geas – Never Lie to a friendly cultist 2pt flaw, Code of Honour
Gear: 5pts Hoplite Plate Armor, buckler, kopis 3pt,
Keso ‘the knife’– Aged 34, Sons of the Moon File leader, Initiate of Yanafal Tarnis
Keso is a an experienced and hardnosed mercenary from Vaunch, who has been part of the company for 15 years.
He is a capable and highly efficient, who is a good leader and cares for his cresent well, he knows his men well and has a good sense how to get the best out of them. He resents the presence of the young officer in with the patrol and believes he could lead this patrol easily himself
His name came as he used to be one of the better knife fighters in the company. However since he has been promoted to file leader, he hasn’t been known to engage in off the books competition.
He is very suspicious of anyone who isn’t part of his crescent, or company. He sees the locals as subhuman savages and not to be trusted. However he takes that view about most people. Despite himself he starting to find a liking for the local dogs.
Personal traits: Aggressive, Loyal, Leader, Suspicious
Nature: Autocrat
Demeanour: Guardian
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4
Mental : Intelligence 2, Wits 2, Perception 3
Social: Manipulation 3, Appearance 2, Charisma 3
Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 3, Brawl 3, Dodge 3, Empathy 1, Expression 1, Intimidation 3, Streetwise 3,
Skills: Archery 3, Leadership 3, Melee 4, Riding 1, Stealth 3, Survival 3
Knowledge’s: Culture 2, Investigation 2, Languages 2, Medicine 2, Myth 1, Divine Lore 1
Essence: 4
Quintessence: 10
Willpower: 5
Runes: Moon 2, Truth 1, Death 4
Spirit Magic: Bladesharp 2, Speedart 2, Protection 2
Rune Magic: Yanafal Tarnis – 7pt pact; True Weapon, Shield
Virtues: Conviction 4, Loyalty 5, Conciliation 2
Backgrounds: Status ** Resources ** Contacts **** Cult status ***, Ransom **
Flaws & Merits: Gift – Killer Instinct, Geas – Mistrust all orlanthi 2pt, Hatred Horseman – 1pt flaw
Gear: 3pts Peltast armor, buckler, kopis 3pt, 3 javelins 2pt weapons
Felkenna Moondaughter Aged 26, Sons of the Moon Peltast, Devotee of the Seven mothers
Now in her mid 20’s. Felkenna Is a former street kid from Mrins cross who has served with the company for 8 years.
She has started to take religion very seriously since a couple of close calls in combat on previous campaigns, and now spends a lot of her off duty at the temple. In the last year she has started to get premonitions and visions when she sleeps near temples and holy sites. The meanings of these dreams are sometimes obvious and sometimes incredibly obscure.
She often bores other members of the file with her religion and is openly critical of those she does think are following the lunar way fully and merely paying lip service. Otherwise her demeanour is pleasant and she is well liked.
Do to her religious zeal she has become the files main healer and is someone other members turn to in times of stress. Most see her as a religious figure and will give her extra protection if need be.
Personal traits: Spiritual, Judgemental, Patient, Attentive
Nature: Fundamentalist
Demeanour: Fanatic
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2
Mental : Intelligence 2, Wits 2, Perception 3
Social: Manipulation 3, Appearance 2, Charisma 3
Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Dodge 3, Empathy 2, Expression 1, Intimidation 1, Streetwise 2,
Skills: Archery 2, Leadership 1, Melee 2, Riding 1, Stealth 3, Survival 2
Knowledge’s: Academics 1, Culture 3, Investigation 2, Languages 3, Medicine 3, Myth 3, Divine Lore 3
Essence: 4
Quintessence: 12
Willpower: 5
Runes: Moon 4, Life 3, Death 1
Spirit Magic: Befuddle, Heal 3, Protection
Rune Magic: Seven Mothers – 8pt pact; Reflection, Mindblast, Summon Lune
Virtues: Conviction 5, Loyalty 4, Conciliation 4
Backgrounds: Cult Status **, Allies **, Contact *, Resources **, Ransom **
Flaws & Merits: Hero worship – priests of the lunar empire – 1p flaw, precognition – 4pt merit
Gear: 3pts peltast armor, buckler, kopis 3pt, 3 javelins 2pt weapons
Barsheen Blueeye – Aged 31, Sons of the Moon Peltast, Initiate of the Seven mothers
Originally from Farmland near to Mrins cross, and often described by Kesso as a ‘first rate pain in the ass’. He is constantly complaining and working military and company protocol to his advantage. Also he is adverse to boring and workmanlike elements of being a soldier.
Barsheen is actually an excellent fighter who never takes a step backwards in combat, but he fights for personal pleasure and not the file or the wider cause
He has little to no loyalty to his God or culture and is a man just trying to get by in life and he has no sense of the greater good beyond his own needs.
For all his faults Barsheen is however funny, and though that humour may be barbed, he seems to offer people a way out and light entertainment. As such he is surprisingly popular amongst the crescent.
Personal traits: Lazy, Aggressive, Unreliable, Dishonest, Funny
Nature: Bravo
Demeanour: Curmudgeon
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3
Mental : Intelligence 2, Wits 3, Perception 3
Social: Manipulation 3, Appearance 2, Charisma 2
Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 2, Brawl 3, Dodge 3, Empathy 1, Expression 1, Intimidation 2, Streetwise 3,
Skills: Archery 3, Leadership 1, Melee 4, Stealth 2, Survival 2
Knowledge’s: Culture 2, Investigation 2, Languages 1, Medicine 2, Myth 1, Politics 2, Divine Lore 1
Essence: 2
Quintessence: 8
Willpower: 4
Runes: Moon 2, Death 2, Disorder 2
Spirit Magic: Disruption 3, Bladesharp 2, Protection 3
Rune Magic: Seven Mothers – 4pt pact;
Virtues: Conviction 4, Loyalty 2, Conciliation 3
Backgrounds: resources **, contacts *, past lives **, cult status *, ransom *
Flaws & Merits: Cynical nature -2pt merit, marked man flogged – 1pt flaw,-1 social with all lunar officers and Officals, Compulsion – argue with authority 2pt merit.
Gear: 3pts peltast armor, buckler, kopis 3pt, 3 javelins 2pt weapons
Dinkha the Quiet – Aged 28, Sons of the Moon Peltast, Initiate of the Seven mothers
Dinkha has proved himself to be a sold and reliable a solid and reliable soldier after a short but notorious time as a bruiser for a criminal element in Filichet. He was sentenced to jail time or signing onto a mercenary company working for the Lunar provincial army for 7 years.
Has he now only got 2 years to go and is making sure he keeps his nose clean before he leaves the company. He still finds life in the company constraining and wants to leave as soon as he can. He hopes to go home and go straight if he can. The company see him as a valuable member and are doing all they can to get him to stay on.
His mannerisms are the quiet and withdrawn and he doesn’t seek the spotlight, but who people listen to when he says something.
Dinkha left a girl back home and though he thinks it is unlikely, he still hopes she is still waiting for him. In these intervening years he has changed a lot, thinks of himself as a better person and has developed strong self control.
Also there is another criminal family in Filichet who would still be keen to see him dead, and has yet to come up with a plan to solve that issue.
Personal traits: Reserved, Controlled, Brave, Generous
Nature: Penitent
Demeanour: Survivor
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina 4
Mental : Intelligence 2, Wits 2, Perception 2
Social: Manipulation 2, Appearance 3, Charisma 3
Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 2, Brawl 3, Dodge 3, Empathy 2, Intimidation 2, Streetwise 2,
Skills: Archery 3, Leadership 1, Melee 3, Stealth 3, Survival 2
Knowledge’s: Culture 1, Investigation 2, Languages 1, Medicine 2, Myth 1, Politics 2, Divine Lore 1
Essence: 2
Quintessence: 8
Willpower: 4
Runes: Moon 2, Mastery 2, Death 2, Man
Spirit Magic: Protection 2, Bladesharp 2, Disruption
Rune Magic: Seven Mothers – 4pt pact;
Virtues: Conviction 4, Loyalty 5, Conciliation 2
Backgrounds: Contacts ***, mentor *, cult status *
Flaws & Merits: Outlaw 2pt flaw, Light Sleeper 1pt merit, Blood Feud 2pt flaw.
Gear: 3pts Peltast Armor, buckler, Kopis 3pt, 3 javelins 2pt weapons
Domara Brokenshaft – Aged 20, Sons of the Moon Peltast, Initiate of the Seven mothers
Dorma recently joined after growing up on his family farm near Mrins cross, he is keen to see more of the world than his parents and grandparents did.
He generally is pleased to be living the soldiers life He is strong and fit, though raw and untried. Howevere he has a confidence in his ability to succeed and be a good soldier
His easy manner allows him to get on well with most people and has already found a local girlfriend in Elkoi.
Domara has a great fear or dragonewts, due to brother disappearing in drangenewt ruins a number of years ago
Personal traits: Positive, Impulsive, Brave, Dependable
Nature: Explorer
Demeanour: Follower
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3
Mental : Intelligence 2, Wits 2, Perception 3
Social: Manipulation 2, Appearance 3, Charisma 3
Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 2, Brawl 3, Dodge 2, Empathy 2
Skills: Archery 2, Leadership 1, Melee 3, Stealth 2, Survival 3
Knowledge’s: Culture 2, Medicine 2, Myth 2, Spirit Law, Divine Lore 1
Essence: 2
Quintessence: 8
Willpower: 4
Runes: Moon 2, Life 2, Death 1, Earth 1
Spirit Magic: Protection 2, Heal 2, Strength 2
Rune Magic: Seven Mothers – 5pt pact;
Virtues: Conviction 4, Loyalty 3, Conciliation 2
Backgrounds: family **, cult status *, status *, resources **, ransom *
Flaws & Merits: Luck 3pt merit, Acute Hearing, 1pt merit
Gear: 3pts peltast armor, pole axe 4pt weapon, buckler, kopis 3pt, 3 javelins 2pt weapons
Yomadan the Smoke – Aged 26, Sons of the Moon Peltast, Initiate of the Seven mothers
Once was a scribe in Filichet he lost his job due to excessive Hazia smoking, he was also left by his wife and young family due to his addiction.
Was recruited when the company was short of men, however he has become a fair soldier when not smoking.
Is consider ‘the educated one’ by all the men and does all the writing for the file, he has even managed to learn passable balazaring in the few weeks he has been here.
Most of the time is likeable and friendly, but unreliable. When smoking he drifts into himself and becomes both un-engaged and unreliable to those round him.
Personal traits: Cerebral, Unfocused, Optimist, Friendly
Nature: Survivor
Demeanour: Deviant
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3
Mental : Intelligence 4, Wits 3, Perception 2
Social: Manipulation 3, Appearance 2, Charisma 3
Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Dodge 2, Empathy 1, Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 2
Skills: Archery 2, Commerce 1, Etiquette 2, Leadership 1, Melee 2, Stealth 2, Survival 2
Knowledge’s: Academics 3, Culture 2, Languages 4, Medicine 2, Myth 2, Divine Lore 2
Essence: 3
Quintessence: 8
Willpower: 4
Runes: Moon 3, Life 1, Death 1, Truth 2
Spirit Magic: Befuddle, Heal 2, Speedart 2, Detect 2
Rune Magic: Seven Mothers – 5pt pact;
Virtues: Conviction 3, Loyalty 3, Conciliation 4
Backgrounds: family *, cult status **, status *, resources **, ransom *
Flaws & Merits: Addict Hazia 2pt Flaw, Lost Love 1pt Flaw
Gear: 3pts peltast armor, buckler, kopis 3pt, 3 javelins 2pt weapons
Varanthi Redeer -30 Balazaring Guide, Initiate of the Seven mothers
A native Balazaring who has scouted for the Lunars for 6 years and is well respected by the local garrison.
He was a member of the Blacknosed Deer Clan of Trilus. He says he fell out with a a new clan chief . The real story is that he killed a close friend and fellow clan member in a fight over a woman, which still haunts him to this day.
He knows Balazar well and can lead Lunar Patrols deep into Balazar and the Elder wilds. He does understand New Pelorian but his speaking of it is poor.
As a result he often gets poorly treated by the mercenaries on rotation. He is even tempered enough to deal with usually, but has been known to lose his temper if anyone mistreats his dogs.
Personal traits:
Nature: Wanderer
Demeanour: Follower
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4
Mental : Intelligence 2, Wits 3, Perception 4
Social: Manipulation 2, Appearance 2, Charisma 2
Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 3, Brawl 3, Dodge 3, Empathy 1, Intimidation 2, Streetwise 1,
Skills: Archery 4, Melee 3, Stealth 4, Survival 4
Knowledge’s: Culture 1, Languages 1, Medicine 3, Myth 2, Politics 2, Divine Lore 1, Spirit Lore 2
Essence: 3
Quintessence: 8
Willpower: 4
Runes: Moon 2, Death 3, Harmony 2, Movement 2
Spirit Magic: Mobility 2, Multimissile 3, Speedart 2, Bandits cloak, Peaceful Cut; Farsee
Rune Magic: Foundchild – 5pt pact; Seven Mothers – 2pt Pact;
Virtues: Vigor 4 Trust 3 Generosity 3
Backgrounds: Dogs **, Status *, Ransom *, Resources *, Cult Status **
Flaws & Merits: Dark Secret (murdered a clan mate in fight over a woman) 1pt , Nightmares 1pt flaw
Gear: 1pts leathers, sling 2pt weapon, bolas, kopis 3pt, traps and snares