What follows is a campaign outline I’ve wanted to run/write up for a number of years. It ties materials from Rubble Runners with Back to Balazar, which itself lies on top of much of the original Griffin Mountain material.
Adventure Synopsis
The adventurers are survivors of the Lunar Fall of New Pavis in 1624/5(depending on the source), tasked with securing the Lunar Priestess Tala Errio and escorting her back to Lunar-controlled territory. Instead of the dangerous but direct route across the north and west of Prax chased by enemies, they are given a circuitous route north over the mountains and into the backwater lands of Balazar, which appears less crammed with enemies of the Lunar Empire. It may be a longer trip but potentially safer.

The obvious plot is the long walk home, which is heavily influenced by The Warriors movie or Xenophon’s Anabasis, depending on how well-educated you are. This adventure is a chance to explore and discover some of Glorantha’s greatest locations and meet some of RQ’s greatest NPCs. It’s a story of a desperate fight for survival against overwhelming odds.
The story that plays out alongside and one that the adventurers get to have major input on is the Lunar Priestess Tala Errio’s inner journey, as she questions her pathway to divine marriage and starts to discover her humanity and free will. She questions the assumptions of her divinely-appointed life and her very identity. Tala may—with the right guidance—decide her own path moving forward.
The Adventurers
The adventurers are auxiliaries, flotsam, and expendables gathered from around a garrison company of the Silver Shields hurriedly preparing to flee Prax in the wake of the fall of Pavis. The commanding officer considers the priestess’ rescue a suicide mission, but one he can’t be seen to ignore. The adventurers are sent as a token gesture as he seeks to save the bulk of his command.
The cast is large. Many will be described in detail in Rubble Runners 2, Griffin Mountain, and Back to Balazar, but notable characters central to the campaign are:
- Tala Errio, a powerful but young Rune Priestess of the Red Moon – A priest of the Red Goddess bred and trained to be the Lunar wife of Pavis and marry him into the Lunar Pantheon. Now stranded in Pavis, the adventurers need to get her back to the Lunar Empire. Fully described in Rubble Runners 2.
- Isori Tabba – The head of Tala’s small protection detail. Isori is the daughter of Lunar nobility, a ceremonial soldier deeply out of her depth in the wilds of Prax. Short description in Rubble Runners 2.
- Imika of the Tencuts – This high llama rider is a trusted lieutenant of Argrath ordered to find and track down Tala Errio. He and his followers will pursue the adventurers through Prax, the mountains, and across the Elder Wilds. He will be a wily and tenacious opponent who leads a group of eighteen mounted warriors. Unique to this campaign.
- Gonn Orta – A Mountainous Giant who has survived from before the Dawn, a being of immense physical and spiritual power. He rules over a trading site in a legendary pass in the Rockwood Mountains, and is a priest of Issaries. He is interpreted in this story as a powerful heroquester seeking to restore his Grandfather Genert as he keeps vigil over the broken lands of Prax. He is described in Griffin Mountain.
- Great Old Mother – A legendary Mistress Race troll who is a most prominent troll of the Elder Wilds, and an ancient rival of Cragspider. She will take an interest in Tala Errio as she passes through her domain. She has been mentioned on the Back to the Balazar site but not defined fully.
- Redrock Clan – A clan of Balazaring Storm worshippers who have a fortified camp at Swim Here on the edge of the Elder Wilds. Lan is their leader. They will present a difficult obstacle in returning Tala to the Lunar Empire. Full details in Back to Balazar.
- Quintas Ven Ortlas – A Free and Illuminated Sage of Irripi Ontor who resides in Trilus. He will give the adventurers and Tala hospitality and will talk at length about being of the Lunar Way but not in submission to the priesthood. Full details in Back to Balazar.
Outer Journey
Act 1 – Pavis and Points North
The first act is receiving orders, securing the priestess from the Rubble, returning to the company to find them slaughtered, and then getting adventurers heading north toward Gonn Orta’s Pass.
The object of Act 1 is to build a sense of impending danger, make the Praxians and Orlanthi seem like dangerous barbaric adversaries, and get the adventurers a map of the alternative route home.
Start to thin out the NPCs creating a barrier between Tala Errio and the adventurers, to give the adventurers access, to reduce the cast, and allow real roleplay opportunities. In this period, Tala will be a distant and difficult employer who may not always endear herself to the adventurers.
Somewhere in Act 1, the adventurers should notice they are being actively pursued by Imika of the Tencuts.
Scene 1 – The Expendables
News spreads through Pavis County to the village of Indagos of the loss at Moonbroth and the slaughter of the Lunar Garrison in Pavis. This is where the adventurers are stationed.
The adventurers are assembled and brought in front of the commanding officer. They are introduced to Tansa Bar, a Pavic youth in the employ of the Lunars, who will guide the mission to find a priestess hiding in the Pavis Rubble. The commanding officer dismisses the adventurers and their new leader as he moves on to other matters. Adventurers who make simple Insight(Human) rolls can deduce that those selected are expendable, not those most qualified for the mission.
The adventurers are instructed to meet the company back at Indagos within 3 days before they move west, but have ample opportunity to hear plans to take the company north, through a secret pass in the mountains, as attempting to travel west would be suicide.
Scene 2 – In the Rubble
The adventurers enter the Rubble to find the Priestess Tala Errio’s party holed up in a cellar surrounded by a party of Argrath’s warriors. The adventurers must ambush the warriors and hurriedly leave the scene with the priestess and her surviving entourage before backup arrives. We introduce the antagonist Imika at this point. He survives the fight and rounds up a group of new warriors to pursue the fugitives. The adventurers should flee north to connect with their unit.
Scene 3 – The Way Back
The adventurers make Scan rolls to check for pursuers, then engage in a game of cat and mouse as they try to and lose the pursuit. Skirmishes and missile fire will do significant harm to allies. Adventurers have a choice on whether to use precious healing resources upon their new comrades. Isori Tabbas lack of ability will become apparent to the adventurers at this point.
Scene 4 – The Slaughter
The adventurers arrive back at the village of Indagos to find the company slaughtered by Praxian barbarians. Tracking rolls will show high llama riders attacking the settlement hours after the adventurers headed south. The Lunar garrison is slaughtered to a man, many of the locals slain, the bodies and settlement have been stripped of weapons and obvious items of wealth. Written items have been left unmolested, including a map of a path north to Gonn Orta’s castle on the table in the captain’s quarters, and a large-scale map showing a vague route scratched onto it.
If the characters search the settlement closely they will encounter four children orphaned by the raid. The priestess’ entourage will argue that they should be brought along and can’t be abandoned. The adventurers may take a more practical view. If the adventurers comply with the request, the slow pace they can make with the children should be played upon in the next section. Adventurers may want to come up with another solution at some point.
Scene 5 – The Journey North
The adventurers should hopefully choose the journey north, Survival and Tactical Lore rolls will show that a journey west is certain capture or death, while the route north is an unknown quantity. Isori Tabba will say that the priestess is sure the Goddess will watch over them through whatever perils they will face to the north.
Missi Mara, Tala’s maidservant, will flee the group, quite willing to give their plans away for safety and safe passage. Tala will assume enemy forces have kidnapped her maidservant and not purposefully fled her presence.
The journey north will be rife with pursuits, with at least one combat with their pursuers, skirmishes and ambushes from Imika’s followers taking its toll on the NPCs. This section will be attritional and conservation of resources may require some hard decisions. Pursuit will back off to track at a distance after a strong counter-ambush or counterattack. Imika will have reasonably thick plot armor through this time, but his followers won’t. The same goes for Isori and the guards, they may fall by the wayside.
Act 2 – Elder Wilds
Act 2 is the substance of both plots, where the party moves into the unknown and encounters things well outside their previous knowledge. It is also where the experiences and deep conversations that may start to influence Tala’s inner journey also intensify.

Scene 1 – Gonn Orta’s Castle
After experiencing the Hidden Greens (which freak Tala out in a different way than the adventurers), the party enters Gonn Orta’s castle (Griffin Mountain) deep within the Eleven Good Giant Mountains. The adventurers’ practical focus will be finding information about the next part of their journey and what lies beyond the mountain. This is a good time for trade and restocking of supplies trading with the Residents.
For information there is an Argan Argar caravan at the castle, travelling north to the Troll Hills. The trolls are friendly, eager for news and communicative. If the adventurers are astute, they can arrange to travel with the caravan.
What will surprise most people in the castle is Gonn Orta asking the Giant Hen Cik to place Tala Errio in his hand. Gonn lifts her close. Tala beholds his face, and he examines her. The two gaze at each other for some hours.
Gonn Orta eventually places her gently onto the ground. Tala is visibly shaken and talks vaguely of conversing with Gonn Orta, though nothing was heard by anyone. Over the rest of the day there are a number of small rock-falls in and around the castle, as locals say that Gonn Orta has ‘got a little fidgety’. These continue till the adventurers leave.
This encounter is a pivot point in the deep questions that Tala faces. After this point she starts to enquire about Non-Lunar spirituality in a positive and curious way.
Scene 2 – Troll Clan Ambush
The adventurers will be subject to a raid by a troll hunting party. This will be a standard but testing combat encounter. If the party is travelling with the troll caravan this will be easily dealt with by the combined parties.
Scene 2a – Troll Trader
If the adventurers are travelling alone they will re-encounter the troll trader from Gonn Orta’s castle. They are recovering from a similar raid to the one the adventurers encountered, and will offer the adventurers their protection through Troll Hills if they agree to act as guards for this leg of the journey.
Scene 3 – Troll Clan
They accompany the trader in an engagement with a good-sized troll clan whilst under his protection. A lighthearted encounter where the adventurers get to peaceably interact with trolls and watch them trade. Maybe some very bizarre and possibly useful trade offers are made to the adventurers. Certain trolls may be obviously considering them for a potential dinner date.
Scene 4 – Black Spire Gorge
The trader leads them to Blackspire Gorge, the heart of troll religion in the Elder Wilds. The settlement contains two major and many minor temples, and will be populated by thousands of trolls and trollkin at any particular time. The adventurers will be stared at, sniffed, prodded, and poked by the local trolls, but their safe passage will be respected. They will be local celebrities for a while and many trolls will come to sample their aroma, much to the delight of the trader.
Their trader guide will keep the adventurers above ground and out of the temples and shrines until a number of elite troll warriors take the adventurers captive. The troll warriors roughly force the adventurers to descend deep underground into a temple complex.
The journey will take an hour travelling deeper underground, in the pitch black with many bangs, falls, trips, and inconveniences. The adventurers should be scared, feeling powerless, and thinking they may die soon.
The adventurers will then telepathically encounter the Great Old Mother, an immortal Mistress Race troll who will converse with them. The Great Old Mother scours their minds for views and information about Tala Errio. Think of this as a trollish ‘Galadriel experience’. Spiritual testing and revelation should be part of this.
The adventurers will not be significantly harmed unless they do something really stupid. They are returned to the surface and the trader’s company. After a couple of hours without Tala, she is returned unharmed. If asked what went on Tala calmly replies the Great Old Mother considered spiritually consuming her, but decided it would be more trouble than it was worth. Tala seems somewhat dispassionate about events.
Scene 5 – Across the Wilds
The trader will see them to the edge of theTroll Hills before heading north to Gork Hills. The adventurers will be given broad directions to head west and then ford the river to find human lands. On this journey there is ample room for interesting encounters.
An encounter with a large dinosaur, family of baboons, or an attack from above by griffins could all be interesting. Broo or other Chaos could drive a more fearsome encounter. Also appropriate special encounters from Back to Balazar could be used.
The one that will drive the story somewhat will be the adventurers becoming aware that Imika has picked their trail up again and is actively pursuing.
Act 3 – Balazar
The humans in Balazar may provide more difficult and complex obstacles to the adventurers than the monsters of the Elder Wilds. Each group will offer different roleplaying opportunities. Tala will also be doubting her calling and, depending on the adventurers’ inputs, there is a good chance she will ask to deviate from the plan to return her to ‘the bosom of the Goddess’. All of the details of locations and characters for Act 3 can be found in Back to Balazar.

Act -1 Swim Here
Here they will encounter the Orlanthi of the Redrock Clan (Back to Balazar). They will not initiate a combat encounter with any travellers coming out of the wild as that would be murderous whatever the cult connections the adventurers may have. However, they will look to hold Tala and the adventurers as ‘guests for ransom’ once their identity is confirmed. Lan will have very blatant, adulterous desires for the enchanting Tala, who will not be at all interested.
Unless previously dealt with, Imika Tencuts will arrive at the encampment and get a feel for the situation. He will demand the Redrock Clan hand Tala over to him as Argarth’s representative. This will do the adventurers a great favor as Lan dislikes Argrath based on previous interactions. Lan will suggest a trial by combat between Imika and the adventurers’ champion as an interesting way to ‘solve the issue’.
The Windlord Rhakal (who is also the wife of Lan) will be very interested in getting the beautiful Tala and the adventurers away from Swim Here, and some clever politicking and roleplaying will arrange a release without ransom, once the trial by combat is complete.
Scene 2 – Optional
This scene is not key to the story and a number of options are presented to the adventurers as they travel west. This scene will not drive the meta plot forward but may be an opportunity for the adventurers to encounter aspects of the Land of Balazar. Multiple options from the list below can be used if the storyteller wishes, and the party chooses a relevant route.
- The Citadel of Dykene – The adventurers encounter a population made miserable by the forced imposition of strict Yelmalion traditions. Tala wishes to liberate the populace. Wise adventurers will get her out of town before she provokes conflict with the priestly hierarchy
- Dangerground – The adventurers encounter the Griffin’s Claws Clan
- Bear Woods – The adventurers encounter the Running Deer Clan
- Firepoint – The adventures encounter the shamanic community at Firepoint.
Options a, b, and c are all detailed in depth in Back to Balazar. Option d is covered in minor details but can easily be built out from the shaman section in Back to Balazar.
Scene 3 – Trilus
Upon arriving in Trilus, Tala’s presence will spark the attention of the Lunar sage Quintas Ven Ortlas (Back to Balazar). He will offer his hospitality. As his house guests, they will receive the King’s protection and be free to interact around the citadel.
A few days resting and recuperating in Quintas’ residence will lead to interesting spiritual, moral, and philosophical debates well into the night. These conversations are thinly veiled attempts to alter Tala’s destiny. It is Quintas’s opinion that Tala will be better placed finding her own path independent of the guidance of the Lunar priesthood.
There is a possibility of overlap with Eleanor’s (houseguest of Quintas) story. This can add some interesting extra complexity. As detailed in Back to Balazar, Eleanor has fled from the Lunar Empire and may provide another outlook on life outside the Moon’s influence for a former Lunar devotee.
Scene 4 – Elkoi
At Elkoi, the adventurers get a choice of who to interact with. They could go to King Cyriel and Queen Marusa as rulers, or to the priestess Refuza. The royal couple will try to acquire Tala for their own ends, slowing her progress back to the Lunar Empire and separating her from the adventurers. If the adventurers and Tala are tenacious regarding not being separated, the adventurers will become targets for assassination.
Refuza will be aware of Queen Marusa’s desires and house Tala and the adventurers in the temple, whilst she sends a message to the Great Temple at Mirin’s Cross. This will develop into a political and claustrophobic siege. Agents of the king and queen will attempt to get Tala out of the temple and into their control.
The adventurers will leave Elkoi either fleeing haphazardly from the forces of the Merchant King or a little more orderly exit guarded by a company of Lunar temple soldiers (if you want to throw a coder in there for good measure) if they have been protected by Refuza.
Scene 5 – The End, Journey to Mirin’s Cross
In this part of the journey, if hasn’t happened before, Tala will confide in one of the adventurers. She doesn’t think she wants to return to the Lunar Temple, and will talk with the party openly about what to do next. The adventurers will have major influence on the future of the unwanted bride.
The Inner Journey of Tala Errio
Tala goes on a deeply personal journey and transformation throughout the adventure. At the beginning she is a single-minded devotee of the Red Goddess, raised to fulfil the will of the Goddess. By the end of it she should be asserting her own humanity and her choice to manifest her personal destiny separate to the will of the goddess.
The adventurers should not only see this transformation but have the ability to facilitate and guide her in it, becoming not just her guards, but guides, friends, and possibly lover(s). This process is best achieved by roleplaying through a series of fireside conversations that increase in openness, depth, complexity, honesty, and intimacy as the campaign continues.
Tala’s inner jouney will be provoked by experiences along the way. The overwhelming vivacity of the Hidden Greens, the majesty of Gonn Orta, the devious wisdom of the Great Old Mother, the well-articulated and deeply held anti-Lunar sentiment of the Redrock Clan, and the spiritual freedom found in Quintas’ illumination. The destination of her inner journey is not determined and the adventurers have the ability to significantly affect the outcome.
The following are questions Tala will ask as she progresses along her contemplation of a world more diverse, complex, and beautiful than she ever imagined.
- I was betrothed to a god. How can any mere mortal be enough for me?
- Can we survive so far from the temple?
- How can you exist without ever knowing the presence of the Goddess?
- What is your destiny?
- Who have you been selected for?
- Why didn’t my destiny come to pass? Has the goddess lied to you too?
- What does the goddess say your purpose is? No, I mean your specific purpose! The one just for you.
- Did you know there was such depth and beauty outside the Lunar way?
- You don’t have a destiny? Doesn’t that make you insignificant?
- Do you ever get scared? Doesn’t that mean you do not trust the Goddess?
- How do you know what to do?
- Where does your meaning come from?
- What is it like to get drunk?
- Can you choose to do anything?
- What is it like to kiss a man?
- Can you hold me?
There are several ways this campaign can end (or transform). For me, the most rewarding is where the adventurers’ inputs help Tala Errio decide she wants to live for herself and deviate from the religious path assigned to her. This could mean she wishes to do one of many things:
- Elope and marry one of the adventurers.
- Return to the Lunar Empire in secret and live as a private person.
- Return to Gonn Orta and aid him in his quest to recreate Genert.
- Work with Quintas to research and document the trolls of the Elder Wilds.
- Other possible goals the adventurers may suggest to her.
A more tragic ending is where Tala Errio wishes to break away from her previous life but lacks the courage or conviction to do so. The adventurers escort her to the temple at Mirin’s Cross, to see her led away into the Holy Sanctuary of the priests. She looks over her shoulder at the adventurers, fear in her eyes, biting her lips, obviously feeling apprehensive and trapped as the freedoms and friendships she has enjoyed on the journey are taken from her.
The tragic ending has a few possible epilogues, just to hammer home the sense of loss and regret the adventurers may be feeling. Here are a few you can use, depending upon your adventurers’ choices and how dark you like your campaigns.
- The adventurers set about a rescue/kidnap mission to save Tala Errio from her religious destiny.
- The adventurers encounter Tala in a setting where she completely blanks on who they are in a display of priestly indifference; they doubt if she even remembers them and their time together on the trails.
- Tala, now back on her priestly destiny, is mortified about how the adventurers have seen her and their knowledge of ‘her weakness’. She sends assassins to kill them and keep her secrets.
- Tala disappears completely a couple of seasons after the adventurers’ return. If the adventurers dig they can find out there was a recent suicide within the priestly sanctum, causing an expensive reconsecration. Was this Tala?
Most of the details to run the above campaign can be found in the following three wonderful supplements;

Looks good. I like the idea of a retreat/return the important Lady to where she needs to be. Journeys change people, and the final destination depends on circumstances along the road.
Hi, I loved it. And I will buy and play it whenever it is on the market.
cheers, Elements are hopefully going to get playtested at Chasoium con Uk this year.